Ulysses is a minor character in the Jem animated series. He is Wissex earl Mason Hawthorne's pet fox.
While on a tour along the Wissex estate, Jetta and Lord Trevor take Pizzazz and Roxy take a look at the stables. There, they find a fox trapped inside a cage, which gives Pizzazz the idea to arrange a fox hunt (preamble for The Misfits' music video "I'm Gonna Hunt You Down"). They let loose the fox, but it unexpectedly happens to be quite fast and agile, and makes the girls to cause all sorts of accidents while chasing it, something which just worsens when the fox tries to find shelter inside the mansion and the girls follow it while still riding on their horses, destroying many of Lord Trevor's belongings as a result. The fox jumps on a moose head decoration on a wall –out of the girls reach– ending with this the hunt.
Later that day, Lord Trevor arranges a new plan with the Burns family, due to his previous plans to assassinate his nephew, the Wissex earlship heir, Mason Hawthorne, failing. The new idea is to try to trick Pizzazz into buying the entire estate, making her believe it comes with a nobility title. They succeed in this task and she's already in the middle of signing the property sales agreement, when Mason, his friend Sir Hugh and The Holograms arrive to the mansion just as the clock is striking eight o'clock, marking the moment when Mason turns 21 and he can claim his title as the new earl. Mason then calls the fox, revealing its name to be "Ulysses", and orders it to fetch the document before Pizzazz can finish signing it. Ulysses obeys - he jumps from a nearby grandfather clock to the desk, fetches the paper and brings it to Mason; he then calmly rests on his arms while the latter starts petting him for this heroic action.